
Monday, March 29, 2010

ping paaawwwng-ed

so...i finally played the ping pong match between my bro
and i can safely say......

i got epically pooooonnnned =.="
epically pooned by my bro =.="
twas like this...1st game was even-ish
and i won....just, like 21-19
thats right, we play old skool, 21points!
but then 2nd and 3rd game i got owned =.="
2nd was like....21-15
and 3r was like 21-10....
FML =.="

that is an epically AWESUM ping pong table
but im jst puzzled as 2 how you'd play on it...looks more like a racing car track than a ping pong table but still......

btw, that was one of the images in google when i typed in ping pong

Sunday, March 28, 2010

top 5 fav thingie-ma-bobies

since everyone is doing it i may as well do one =.="
5. my guitar!

although i haven't played it in a LONG LONG LONG TIME!! it is still pretty kweLL!!
and i attempt 2 play a song or 2 whenever im bored enough or get the chance. USed 2 b in a band...ish...but we neva really got anywhere, managed 2 record 1 good song, but coz my guitaring was so shit, theres really no point listenin 2 it. dunno how the bands going now tho...hopefully they've had some progress


this flower cube thingy is pretty nifty
it is a CUBE...but can be transformed into a flower!!
tis pretty awesum!!!
learnt how 2 make it off a friend.....

i think i forgot how 2 make them now tho XD

3. SHOES!!

luv the green hyperdunks. even tho they weren't the ones i wanted...i dont mind, they're still pretty coloured and BRIGHT!! but down side is you have 2 b AWESUM @ bball 2 wear those kinda shoes.....and...aha....yea....about that....

had my converses 4 about a year now!! i guess i wear them alot...wheneva i get the opportiunity...


now....i kno its fake and whatever, and it was like 350BAAAAAHHHHTT. but....tis a pretty decent hat. shuda got another one =.="
had 2 take it outta the god damn wash 2day =.=" dad was meant 2 wash it...coz i dont kno how 2 operate a washin machine, but its meant 2 b clean...but its brown now =S

i still love it tho XD

YYYYYyyyyIIIiiii 1.

now that is a PRETTY EPIC b-ball!!
tis made out of.....clay....i think.....crap...whats that stuff called...the stuff we always used 2 play rnd with in primary....mental blank =.=" sigh~
anyways!! i like it coz a friend gave it 2 me.....and everyday i look @ it and ill b like.....B-BALL TIME!!! and yea.....get the whole fuzzy feeling going on


i wil try and include a pic in each blog post coz......
coz it'd jst b the fun thing 2 do i guess....and it looks rather the bland without pics!

THIS WAS THE pic i took rite afta i finished the RUBIKS CUBE!!
and i was like...OH MY GEEE!!! i FINISHED IT!
how tank am i XD

but then....afta that, i think it took me around 50days b4 i managed 2 do it agen =.=" but hey!! i managed 2 do it XD
i hav a second cube, and tis a mahjong cube, and it is one very hardcore cube, but i finished that pretty easily XD

but confuses the CRAP outta me =.="

its late =.="

now THAT is a decent curry laksa
well, @ the time i thort it was....
but no doubt, it was pretty daymn gud!!
but....the TRUE goal is 2 EAT ASSAM LAKSA!!!

last time i ate that was like...AGES AGO
and when i ate it......SIGH~ i wish i cuda had more =(
but my stomach does this thing where if u eat 2 much you feel like SHIT and FAT and i dont like that feeling @ all
no FAIR!


Monday, March 22, 2010

and then its the holidays....

holy moley!! its gonna b the holz SOON!! HELL YES!!!
but.....but....that means closer 2 the exams =( closer 2 being an adult!! arrrr!!
no fair!!
guess half of me wants the holz 2 come rnd now, half of me wants it 2 kinda slow down.

english sac confuzzled me
not as badly as the physics sac
but it still confuzzled me quite a bit!
twas not expecting the topics @ all and i seriosuly did not prepare 4 it -.-
its ova, meh, whatever!!

yay...whoop di friggin doooo
do i get it? nope
is my summary book done? nope
am i screwed?......HELL YEA!!

man, afta watchin nellys and p.babas bball final....part of me really wants 2 play agen. sigh~
i miss it!!!
wanna play more b-ball, wish i still had friday nite b-ball
but then agen, it limits my sundays and fridays....but i aint doing anything betta anyways
man......wish i cud pick up fridays agen....sigh~

Sunday, March 21, 2010

its been a while....

gotta admit, its an awesum game
just a quick post b4 i go 2 sleep and wake up 2morro 2 a dreadful day. forecast is 23degrees with a 7am start viola in the morn, then eng sac p4 and senior strings......F me =.="
its gonna b one fun day!!
anyways, BACK 2 the topic!

it has BEEN a while since i last played some ping pong
especially with my BRO!!
i mean.....there was a period in time when the only thing we'd eva do was jst play ping pong, ping pong in the morning if we're not tired and eaten our weetbix, then ping pong afta skool and till LATE!!
now that was the lifE!!

even tho we both suck @ it (but he full on kciks my ass =.=")
its gud fun! i guess you'd call it bonding.....ewww.....very ewww!!
but hey! @ least we aint @ each other throats about 2 kill each other
tho....that has happened once in a while when he pisses me off coz hes winning or vice versa

but hey!! @ the end of the day its all fun and we both enjoy it!
i hav yet 2 play a match with him, coz atm hes owned my mum dad and aunty......i dont wanna lose my dignity....@ least not yet....

anyone kno any places where ppl can become pro ping pong ppl? (if anyone names a country or state or city OUTSIDE of a 20km radius of melb CBD.......I KICK YOUR ASS)

neways, thats all i've got so far
lol, if u read this.....
i'd say, "gud 2 kno someone does XD"

Monday, March 15, 2010


skies are blue
links on website are blue
i have a blue bowl
i think i have a blue bag
this "save now" button is blue
i have a blue rubberband
my english books have a blue label on them
my physics book is blue

daymn, a lotta things make it blue
very blue
even im blue (not physically...PFFFT!!)

very down lah
coz of the stooooopid physics! =.="
GRR!! actually not happy with it @ all
coz...i know i fked it up!
not sure if i was able to walk out of the exam thinking "i've done my BEST! HELL YES"
clearly, walked out of the exam more like this

"....0_0.....Fa-AF-Fa-Fa-Fa-FAAAAAAArrrrrr.....ken EPIC FAIL"
hopefully....jST MAYBE!! ill be able to do well on the nxt one, but...maybe....
dunno...(pessimist in me says NO WAY IN HELL)

WAAAAAH!! very down
not happy!

Monday, March 1, 2010

the "F" KEY!

i haven't even had my laptop 4 5 years and its already breaking!!
i hate it how wen i try and type it done'st work....SEE!! it jst did it agen
inbetween type and it...theres meant to be an f! oh thank god =.=" it works
and it sucks that my f key is screwed up coz then i can't swear as easily, and it makes life harder 4 me coz then i go and smash the key a jillion times b4 it comes up!! GRRR!!

life tis the usual
except...hw is a heck of alot more than it used 2 slacking
or....maybe.....the teachers are CRAZY
or....maybe.....ummm.......lost my train of thought =.="

also another thought
need 2 be gettin more sleep
think im developing insomnia, so definately not the very good
probs shud sleep earlier, but.....its not exactly easy when it takes you about 8hrs 2 get 2 sleep, and then sleep for 5mins, and then wake up ready 4 SKOOL (exxageration)
but all in all, by the time i get 2 skool im a walkin zombie and it is NAWT gud 4 me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VCE is like a form of hell on earth i guess
you're still living your life,but the decisions you make coz of VCE can't the gud ones and you end up screwin up a thousand times ova in jst the one year! (unless you get 99.95)

many outcomes start in the nxt 2 weeks and im soooooooooooOOOooo VERY SCREWED!!!
physics and chink on the same day.....SIGH~
life is just one BIG SIGH~

jia you =.="