
Monday, April 5, 2010

grape friggin picking

so on this very dark (probs coz it was 6am-ish) and gloomy easter monday, our dear papa decided it would be an...enlightening experience to take us out to pick grapes for once of his rotary mates.

had maccas 4 brekky....ewww

we're one of those families which eat maccas 4 brekky when we go on long-ass trips. one time we got 4hasbrowns 4 free! yummy XD

this is my bro tryin 2 ride a quadbike.....he epic failed...pretty badly
drove like a friggin grandma =.="

these were the grapes we were picking. the guy who owns the place basically grows the grapes and then sends them off to a winery (i think) where they crush them and get the juice and make the wine. very long process, i wudnt have a clue how the rest goes, but it all just ends up in a bottle later

these lil catipillar thingi-ma-bobies were EVERY GOD DAMN WHERE!! had like 4 on my jumper and one of them landed on my neck!! EWWW!! god damn scared the crap outta me! but we were allowed 2 chop them up with our secateurs. but of course, i cudn't coz mum wud kick my ass if i did =.="

one of the many rows we had 2 go through 2 pick out all the god damn grapes =.=" very tedious and tiring work. but we cud eat some while we were ate it, so wasn't too bad......but still!! such a pain in the ass 2 pick it all

so that was my day
and now 2 ENGRISH!!

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