
Saturday, December 17, 2011


so i've been in nepal for the past coupla weeks
and i must say, it has definately been an experience

gonna try and document this trip via this blog
much like my india one...except i dind't do the india trip

nepal trip is defiantely worth doing though

so the whole reason for me going to nepal was because i was meant to do some community service. me and my friend tagged along with this latrobe group who were already under some program and we kinda....gate crashed it. later found out from the group that they didn't know we were goign to be there until 2 days before they arrived.
we'd never met the latrobe people it was defiantely going to be a challenge to try and fit in
and we were staying longer than the latrobe group, staying at least 10days more than the group itself.
hope i can make this experience a ful-filling one.

day 1 nepal:
so me and fam friend took a plane from tullamarine to changi at about 3pm melb time.
arrived @ changi around 10pm-ish local time

this was a bit of a pain in the ass because our next flight to KTM was goign to be at 9am...the following morning...
that leaves approx 12hrs to bum around changi airport...what dafaQ!

so we ended up spending majority of the time sleeping
there really is nothing to do @ changi airport, or singapore for that mattter when it is 1am in the morning and on a monday night as well.
it was pretty stupdi to have scheduled a flight like that...i have no idea why things turned out that just did
so i ended up sleeping about 4 out of the 12 or so hours we had to spare. and it was not a pleasant expeirence. smelt like SHEEEEET afta the nite and chagned my tee-shirt. think i used up majority of my DEo as well.
but all in expeirence i would rather not have to go through again

took the 9:40am flight to KTM and arrived at about 1 something....arvo

first thing i noticed aobut KTM was that its pretty much like india
except.....there was less chaos and less rubbish. but pretty much a carbon copy of india, well, delhi anyways

KTM airport has alot to improve on. the international terminal its basically a single building......and that is have to catch a bus from where your plane has landed to the terminal, and then enter customs...which looks even worse, not a single computer....and then you have to walk up into the baggage collection...with a carousel that doesn't even work.....haizzzzz......

hotel was called shambhala, near kopan. infact its about 1km walk up to the monastery itself.
but i ended up in a room by myself becoz friend moved in with 2 other girls, and becoz the girl guy ratio was about 3:11, we they just gave me my own room......LOOOOONNNNERRRR

first meal in KTM was in the resturant below our hotel,
had momo (steamed dumplings basically), vegetarian. subjected myself to a vegetarian diet whilst in Nepal because you can never be too careful when it comes to foreign meats. also had some tempura vege......weird combo....
had a bananananan lassi as well, tasted really woody and someone had burnt something and just sprinkled it lightly into my drink...EWWWWIIIEEEEee

after lunch, walked to a local school just down the road where we met up with the rest of the group. they seemed nice enough. but a bit hard to get to know peeps when you've only JUST met them...and realise that you've gotta spend the next 3weeks with them....AWKS!!!!

walked to a stupa in a near town called bhouda. very very impressive stupa. basically did some sight see-ing and walking around. didn't really buy much because i had no monies, had to get it changed.
our "tour guide" netra, had to exchange it 4 us and hadn't given him my monies yet so i was a broke mofo.

ate dinner at a place called garden restuarant. there we talked to a coupla of the other peeps and got 2 know them. was probs the 2nd youngest of the whole group, the rest had either taken a gap yr and were now in 1st or 2nd yr.

and that concludes 1st day because it happend about 20days ago and now i can't remember anymore

hopefully get photos sooooon--ish

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

listening to
and studying....

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

you knee is consuming my life! Its so hard 2 jst hav 1 day where i dnt gotta do ANYTHING! It does kinda suck....a lot! Doesnt help tht i dnt hav a car so it takes me abt 3hrs travel time, bak n forth. Didnt realise how slow sum buses until i started overtaking them on the road. Maybd its the case of me tryin 2 do 2 many things at once....or maybe im aiming low n missing.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

india day 1

India, day1, its been an experience. as with every new country it takes a lot of time to get used to it. the taxi ride from the airport to the hotel gave us our first true taste of India. There were dogs roaming the streets, people on the sidewalks ligting fires to keep warm (we arrived 7:50) at dehli airport.the weather hit me hard, it was freezing when we got off the plane, i thort India would be hot, humid and warm, but it turns out that they have a winter too, and its freezing! I only brought tee shirts and one jumper and one pair of jeans. Felt like I was going to freeze to death.

The first thing i noticed about Indians is that they have little regard for rules. First glimpse of this was when we were on the plane, the announments keep Telling people to stay in their seats until the seatbelt sign has been switched off, but practically all the indian people jst got up and started getting their stuff fromm the overhead and going about thier own business even though the plane is in the process of landing. Really makes you they have any regard for safety? Rules? Order?

Our first night in india was at this hotel called C-park inn. it was a 3 or two and a halfish star hotel, and it was pretty bad. we first saw this other hotel in the same street, it had the same name as the one we were staying at, bar the first word in the name was grand. It looked much better then whatever accommodation we had and didn't look like a brothel of sorts. The street where our hotel was located looked like down town bagdad, I swear to god i had recollections of the place looking like a cod map, a war zone. The only tihngs that were missing was the soldiers and gunfire. The room we stayed in was accommodating 4 ppl. Except one of the beds was placed underneath the double bed

this was my bed..............fark!

the hotel was essentially 1 huge apartment block.......

The shower was pretty bad as well, it lacked hot water, a heating supply, no complementary cookies. I think I'd rather have gone on duke of Ed camp for two weeks. The bed was freezing, later found out that the temperature that night dropped to about 3 degrees. I only had my sleeping bag and a sheet of cloth which was a sorry excuse for a blanket. I didn't shower either becoz it was so bloody cold, didn't wanna freeze my balls off.

hotel room....can't see shet -.-

Thursday, January 13, 2011

chilling in india!!! FWOOOOAAAHHHH!!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

bloody impatient people going 4 the satays!! GRERRRR!!!! i WANT MY SHARE!!!
ummm.....nutella and a crumbly tingy ma bobby....pretty yummmy!
his was dinner......YUMMMY AGAIN =D

india in about 24hrs ish....
air asia plane!!

impression of india so far
1. mite come back with gastro
2. have a 1m radius around all cows i pass
3. definiately seeing teh taj mahal
4. run away from the beggars
5. don't eat too much curry or i'm gonna be on the toilet 4 at least half a day

cna't think of anything else
but hopefully i hav fun in india...
dunno if ill have net
gonan take aLOTTA PICS like a tRUE AZN tourist fobby person

Monday, January 3, 2011

photo DUMP

yummy FOOOOD!! dunno what half of it is called...but yea..ppretty random pic

where we had our 1st malaysian MEAL! baisically a shed....with stalls.....and a coupla seats......

Portuguese egg tart - pretty daymn yummy!! dnno whats the diff between this and a normal egg tart, jst tastes a lil CHEEEEEESY THO. but never the less!! a gud yummy egg tart
AHAHAHAHA this photo is FUNNY!! becoz i was wearing this very shirt when i was out with family. and then dad sees this and hes like....WTF IS THAT??! and i'm jst like...its a ram! and hes its not, it doens't look liek a RAM!! it looks like a gu gu jiao! and i'm like!! PFFFT!! no way dad!! how does it look like thAT!! are oyu insane?!!? but then he was persistant and was jst liek NUP! i dont care what u say!! it is a GUGU JIAO!!
and i'm like
dad is observant!!!

yong tofu?? YUMMMEH!!! hav nfi what that is in the background tho.....hrrmmm......
KICK A POOO!! BEST DRINK EVER!! looks like piss but tastes GREAT!! LOVE IT!

From tapah to bidor, that's about 16km. I guess grandpa and grandma aren't too used to ccshes Cambodian, jst so make sure that she doesn't integrate to well with the Malays, coz they kinda instigate all the straling and what not, not fun, not gud.

I reckon.....these small towns are pretty....borig at Times, but at the same time, its a change of pace. They hav a pretty decent ball court where i plan on playing tomorrow morning, if i can wake up in time. The food is gud tooo! Love the food!

Got a haircut, me bro and dad, all look the bloody same now, like 3 monks! Takes me about 5secs to dry my hair in the malaysian heat. It is pretty bad!!!! I hope i grow it out before uni....becoz i look like a douche bag --"

Grandma is making a lotta stuff to eat, she makes about 5dishes for 4 people! Its crazy! And she her self only eats about hake a bowl of rice. They trally do try and keep us well fed.

Had wonton mee today, but didn't being camera, so cudnt take pic, but it eas pretty damn yummy! Loved it! The wonton had prawns and everything, i guess i consider that a luxury seeing as mums wontons are barely edible at times, jokes. Guess im jst not used to hi quality wontons.

But I am no longer an ang-mo, and that kinda makes me sad, i am now a gong Tao low!


arrived in MSIA after an 8hr flight from tullermarine and i was KNACKERED!

Instead of flying mas or air Asia, we took emirates this time. And it twas a pleasant change from all the other air lines. Mainly becoz i had enuf space to put my feet somewhere and i could actually fall asleep on the flight, and the food is some what much better. They actually hav tv screens unlike air Asia! And the food is gooooooood, well.....betta than 2min noodles. Was something Like mash and eggs or scrambled eggs and steak and baked beans. And they were pretty gud 4microwave meals. I would defs make it if i had the chance.......and a microwave.

There was this kid sitting behind me and throughout the whole bloody trip (exaggerated) kept kicking my chair or screaming her bloody head off! Piss me off! Grr! Didnt get much sleep...about 3hrs max. And we reached kl at 8am, so....literally had no sleep. First meal was yong tofu and some Chiken rice, except bro was a. Greedy pig and ended up eaten most of the chicken rice and i was like grr, die biattch!

Then visited grandma in nursing home,she doesn't wanna go bak to pudu, old house, becoz its lonely and all. The old ppl in there are like....old!!!!! They dont need to bleach their Hair for it to be white, they grow it naturally. And i think all they do is kinda jst sit front of the tv, or a wall...and do jack all.....

hen sad.

I hav literally been eaten alive by mosquitoes, they are bloody everywhere and jst seem to bite me when ever thevhell they please. And it itches like grrr!!

Mum has this aero guard but i swear to god it does jackal becoz they keep bloody biting me!

Going to India soon! 2 whole weeks! Hopefully irs fruitful, going with fam friends, so it shud b alright. But its going to be a semi pilgramage! Gar! Must practice patience igues --"

Mite bring back a goat

i was asleep by 11pm local time -.-

becoz of my screwed up body clock. kinda sad i missed out on new yrs the sleep was much much needed!! ceeebs making resolutions
not like anyone sticks to them anyways

jst hope its gonna b a gud year and uni doesn't turn out 2 b a bummer