
Monday, January 3, 2011

From tapah to bidor, that's about 16km. I guess grandpa and grandma aren't too used to ccshes Cambodian, jst so make sure that she doesn't integrate to well with the Malays, coz they kinda instigate all the straling and what not, not fun, not gud.

I reckon.....these small towns are pretty....borig at Times, but at the same time, its a change of pace. They hav a pretty decent ball court where i plan on playing tomorrow morning, if i can wake up in time. The food is gud tooo! Love the food!

Got a haircut, me bro and dad, all look the bloody same now, like 3 monks! Takes me about 5secs to dry my hair in the malaysian heat. It is pretty bad!!!! I hope i grow it out before uni....becoz i look like a douche bag --"

Grandma is making a lotta stuff to eat, she makes about 5dishes for 4 people! Its crazy! And she her self only eats about hake a bowl of rice. They trally do try and keep us well fed.

Had wonton mee today, but didn't being camera, so cudnt take pic, but it eas pretty damn yummy! Loved it! The wonton had prawns and everything, i guess i consider that a luxury seeing as mums wontons are barely edible at times, jokes. Guess im jst not used to hi quality wontons.

But I am no longer an ang-mo, and that kinda makes me sad, i am now a gong Tao low!

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