
Saturday, June 5, 2010

random post

so today. i baiscally went fasting!
not fast as in quick, but fast as eatin food 4 aLONG LONG TIME
and it absolutely knackered me =.="
didn't eat for about.....10hrs-ish....well, that is. didn't hav a full meal for about 10hrs =.="

exams are right rnd the corner
and thank GAWD i only got one, but its kind of a pain i got it on tuesday
but then again its also a good thing coz i can get it out of the way and then have like a 7day weekend XD OH YEA!!!
but physics exam 1st =( i have nearly finishd my cheat sheet, all i gotta do is print it out and i shud be good to go! but it is friggin.......friggin TINY ASS WRITING. and like even SMALLER DIAGRAMS!!

haven't done much practice exams....
coz i kinda ceebs!
and im scared the more i do, the more fked up ill be. but on the flip side, if i dont do any, i mite encounter problems which are seriosuly WTF!??! and ill be even more screwed IN THE ACUTAL exam!!
i think ill hardcore study on sunday and monday
and then tuesday....JUDGEMENT DAY!!
=( -sad face-
shall take it as it comes!!

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