
Monday, June 21, 2010


Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! is for....
turn left
tumble turn
tails (from sonic)
tremor (like godzhilla)

CHA! <-chink italics looks WHACK!
about this CHa/TEA

I have been drinking it of late because.....
I acutally don't have a clue why...but when ever parnets drink it they ask me if i want a cup and i just say, yea sure.
maybe because it makes me feel grown up! and.....yea! im all grown up maRRM!!!

i drink tea because its there and im freezing my ass off now that its winter and it keeps me warm
i think i have discovered a side effect =.="
and it 1st hit me when i was on Duke of Ed camp....
We drank tea on the 1st nite, no, not that dilmah or whatever bushells brand u have. actual OOOOoooooo LOOOOoooonG! TEA! mite have been chrysanthemumumum or sometihng else, idunno, all i know is that it tasted like tea from the YUM CHA

anyways!! that 1st nite did not go so well becasue we drank the tea at 10ish and we were basically up for the next 4hrs....talking about random crap and wishing sleep would kick in any minute, and when we woke up the nxt morning.....boy...did we feel like SHET

which brings me back to last night
i drank a pretty huge cup of god knows what kinda tea and ended up tossing and turning and tosssing and turning and tossing and turning for about 3hrs in bed -.-
and then you kinda zone out and before you know it......your bros turned on the light and yelling GET UP!! OR WE LEAVE WITHOUT YOU BIATCH!

and i just finished another cup of tea just then -.-
not smart @ all
i think its going to be another sleepless night
tossing and turning =.="

but bottom line! TEEAAA!! is pretty nice
and i like it
except 4 when it keeps me awake
i hate it when it does that.

hmmm....maybe ill drink some when i wanna watch the soccer.....

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