
Monday, March 15, 2010


skies are blue
links on website are blue
i have a blue bowl
i think i have a blue bag
this "save now" button is blue
i have a blue rubberband
my english books have a blue label on them
my physics book is blue

daymn, a lotta things make it blue
very blue
even im blue (not physically...PFFFT!!)

very down lah
coz of the stooooopid physics! =.="
GRR!! actually not happy with it @ all
coz...i know i fked it up!
not sure if i was able to walk out of the exam thinking "i've done my BEST! HELL YES"
clearly, walked out of the exam more like this

"....0_0.....Fa-AF-Fa-Fa-Fa-FAAAAAAArrrrrr.....ken EPIC FAIL"
hopefully....jST MAYBE!! ill be able to do well on the nxt one, but...maybe....
dunno...(pessimist in me says NO WAY IN HELL)

WAAAAAH!! very down
not happy!

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