
Sunday, November 28, 2010

first time driving EVER!!

1st time i've driven
and its a manual car....
and its pretty daymn hard 2 drive...a manual car..
friggin break, clutch, release break, and then press clutch and hold until the....fission point? essentiallly wen the car shakes and that means that you gotta ACCEL b4 the car fks up
it is jst ridiculously complicated
it feels pretty daymn gud wen u master iT!!

but i did stall like......100times =S well, definately way too many times 2 count!! GAR!!!
but heys!!! BUT HEYS!!!
twas a gud expierence
and instructor sed it was like the 1st time was always the hardest.....
hopefully i get the hang of tihs shet -.-

Sunday, November 14, 2010


is the bane of my existence!!!!

tis my last exam
and as expected it is hanging over me and preventing me from enjoying a holiday.....well.....a holiday i wanna have!!!

and as i sit here on the eve of my final exam
its kinda sad that my final year of formal schooling is over's also a BIG FRIGGIN HUGE RELIEF because....
exams SUCK and their stupid!

i'm not sure if its the last time ill ever have to use chinese or think about chinese
but if i do end up going to an azn country... it would be useful.....but atm, i jst CEEEEBS!!!!

written alotta essays, but no improvement, so whether or not the essay topics fall in my favour.....there is no way in hell im gettin anything about a B+ 4 my exam
oh well

and then COD ALL DAY XD

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

suffering from a major case of CEEEEEEEEEEBS!!!!

got 2 more exams to go.
physics and chinese

been cramming for physics ever since methods on monday, but it really just isn't happening for me. I've done a couple of prac exams, i just hope its enough. Still got ALOT OF exercises to do to make sure i'm prepared for physics....GAR!!!!

on another note
ever bought a roast chicken from safe way and eaten it hawker style? just sitting at a table? or in our case right in front of KFC. how ironic....hmmmm

Friday, October 29, 2010

gar!! ginger
about 3weeks or so since i bleached my hair......
i'm like a carrot top -.-


plan on dying my hair like......i won't be just some wanna be an wranger with bad regrowth


gar!!! exams are right there!!
but like.....
it sucks :(

got.......5 more to go!!
1 spesh
2 methods
1 physics
1 chink

gar!!! gotta study heaps!!! like a FRIGGIN HEAPS!!!
i think i'll probs end up in state library ALOT
becoz like........
balwyn is jst way tooo crowded and like.....
jst ceeeebs atm though.....


Tuesday, September 7, 2010


no, not basketball grandma you n00LETS!!

the under-17 finalzz will be on at slater reserve @ 7:10pm!!!

and and.....
ANYONE CAN COME!!! so yea....
if you got nothing betta to do on a saturday. (or if you're gonna spend your nite infront of the GOD DAMN COMP)
then COME ALONG AND CHEER me.....NelsORINO!!.....and P'ng diddy on to a devastating defeat
a surprising WIN!!

but in all seriousness, its a D-grade don't expect any slam dunks or any of that AND1 shiz

so yea.....
that is all i wanted to say......

haven't blogged on this in a while
iuno -.-
no point??

i'm doing yao-ming for DETAILED STUDY!
and thats on the 7th of OCTopus
and i'm pretty much SCREWDriver
because i can't exactly remember all my INFOrmer
but i shall try and JIA YOU and DEFy all laws of physics and what not 2 least a B+!

no fb or msn til 7th of OCT


but yea
b-ball granny...


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

health problems...

yea, i got a couple.....
one of them
lack of sleep!
screw you VCE!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! is for....
turn left
tumble turn
tails (from sonic)
tremor (like godzhilla)

CHA! <-chink italics looks WHACK!
about this CHa/TEA

I have been drinking it of late because.....
I acutally don't have a clue why...but when ever parnets drink it they ask me if i want a cup and i just say, yea sure.
maybe because it makes me feel grown up! and.....yea! im all grown up maRRM!!!

i drink tea because its there and im freezing my ass off now that its winter and it keeps me warm
i think i have discovered a side effect =.="
and it 1st hit me when i was on Duke of Ed camp....
We drank tea on the 1st nite, no, not that dilmah or whatever bushells brand u have. actual OOOOoooooo LOOOOoooonG! TEA! mite have been chrysanthemumumum or sometihng else, idunno, all i know is that it tasted like tea from the YUM CHA

anyways!! that 1st nite did not go so well becasue we drank the tea at 10ish and we were basically up for the next 4hrs....talking about random crap and wishing sleep would kick in any minute, and when we woke up the nxt morning.....boy...did we feel like SHET

which brings me back to last night
i drank a pretty huge cup of god knows what kinda tea and ended up tossing and turning and tosssing and turning and tossing and turning for about 3hrs in bed -.-
and then you kinda zone out and before you know it......your bros turned on the light and yelling GET UP!! OR WE LEAVE WITHOUT YOU BIATCH!

and i just finished another cup of tea just then -.-
not smart @ all
i think its going to be another sleepless night
tossing and turning =.="

but bottom line! TEEAAA!! is pretty nice
and i like it
except 4 when it keeps me awake
i hate it when it does that.

hmmm....maybe ill drink some when i wanna watch the soccer.....

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


so it took me like a month to acutally get my L plates since i got my L's
hoepully ill be driving soon....
but thats if mum and dad let me take out the new car! oh yea! except i know if i scratch it they're gonna kick me outta home and im gonna have to live off centerlink.....

but pretty daymn gud 2 hav my L plates!! (courtesy of a friend to whom i shall try and return them ASAP and ensure they are in tip top pristine condition!)
but....I SHALL drive!!!
one day
hoepfully soon
maybe afta spesh and methods
and frigin chink
and friggin other crap i gotta do -.-
even afta GAt and exams school stil sucks!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

random post

so today. i baiscally went fasting!
not fast as in quick, but fast as eatin food 4 aLONG LONG TIME
and it absolutely knackered me =.="
didn't eat for about.....10hrs-ish....well, that is. didn't hav a full meal for about 10hrs =.="

exams are right rnd the corner
and thank GAWD i only got one, but its kind of a pain i got it on tuesday
but then again its also a good thing coz i can get it out of the way and then have like a 7day weekend XD OH YEA!!!
but physics exam 1st =( i have nearly finishd my cheat sheet, all i gotta do is print it out and i shud be good to go! but it is friggin.......friggin TINY ASS WRITING. and like even SMALLER DIAGRAMS!!

haven't done much practice exams....
coz i kinda ceebs!
and im scared the more i do, the more fked up ill be. but on the flip side, if i dont do any, i mite encounter problems which are seriosuly WTF!??! and ill be even more screwed IN THE ACUTAL exam!!
i think ill hardcore study on sunday and monday
and then tuesday....JUDGEMENT DAY!!
=( -sad face-
shall take it as it comes!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ell for.......

L for little
L for lip(p)
L for lollipop
L for love! (dodgeball...hehe)
L for.....
......Lumbooo (cow in malay...i think)....which is what my parents call the people in cars with the yellow paper thingy-ma-bobbies stuck on thier windsheild and back window with the black L

and YESi am FINALLY....well....MAYBE able to join thier ranks in hopefully...UNDER a week!!
so going 2 take my L's!!
whoot whoot??

im hesitant....
only reason im gettin them is coz.....i dunno, i guess i'd like to drive. i mean....own car and all, then i dont have 2 rely on melbUORne public transport (which is by far the shittiest in the state) or scab rides off mum and dad which leaves me feeling guilty!

so yea =D
basically been doing all L's practise test after L's practise test thanks to the guidance by friends, but im still kinda relectant and scared coz if i fail it then =S
but yea

fingers CROSSED!

oh yea...

Friday, April 30, 2010

remember..... wen you were a KID!
and you would always be like...I WANNA EAT THE MOST OF the (insert yummy food)! so i gotta make sure i eat EVERY SINGLE ONE?!!??
i think im back @ that stage
coz my bro is an ASS who jst eats EVERYTHING!! GAR @ HIM!
so today, we were eatin the dim sim, but not @ the yum cha becoz we CEEBS and coz we both had tuition......and yea......
i got bak from tuition, english tuition, and then was about to eat my XIU MAI (i tihnk thats what hakka ppl call it, or its probs some kinda hybrid of canto and hakka and my dads retarded mando) but anyways
my bro today
was like....
can i have your xiu mai
and im like....
how many u had so far?
and hes like...
and im like...
i haven't even HAD ONE!!!

so then upon eatin my 3rd xiu mai and him eating his fourth
he asks me agen
gor, can i have your other xiu mai
and im like...
haven't you had enuf??
and hes like
NO! im still hungry!
and im like...

nah i kid, i dind't say that

i said
but i wanna eat mine! im still hungry as well!
and hes like
but...but....*puppy eyes*
and im like
Piss off =.=" that aint gonna work on me dudE!
so then i slowly eat the xiu mai in HIS FACE
and hes like GRrRR!!!
im gona KICK your ass in ping pong 2nite

and true to his word
he did kick my ass @ ping pong
but hey!


yea, i kno, chidish as shet
but meh
xiu mai was nice XD

Monday, April 5, 2010

grape friggin picking

so on this very dark (probs coz it was 6am-ish) and gloomy easter monday, our dear papa decided it would be an...enlightening experience to take us out to pick grapes for once of his rotary mates.

had maccas 4 brekky....ewww

we're one of those families which eat maccas 4 brekky when we go on long-ass trips. one time we got 4hasbrowns 4 free! yummy XD

this is my bro tryin 2 ride a quadbike.....he epic failed...pretty badly
drove like a friggin grandma =.="

these were the grapes we were picking. the guy who owns the place basically grows the grapes and then sends them off to a winery (i think) where they crush them and get the juice and make the wine. very long process, i wudnt have a clue how the rest goes, but it all just ends up in a bottle later

these lil catipillar thingi-ma-bobies were EVERY GOD DAMN WHERE!! had like 4 on my jumper and one of them landed on my neck!! EWWW!! god damn scared the crap outta me! but we were allowed 2 chop them up with our secateurs. but of course, i cudn't coz mum wud kick my ass if i did =.="

one of the many rows we had 2 go through 2 pick out all the god damn grapes =.=" very tedious and tiring work. but we cud eat some while we were ate it, so wasn't too bad......but still!! such a pain in the ass 2 pick it all

so that was my day
and now 2 ENGRISH!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

ping paaawwwng-ed

so...i finally played the ping pong match between my bro
and i can safely say......

i got epically pooooonnnned =.="
epically pooned by my bro =.="
twas like this...1st game was even-ish
and i won....just, like 21-19
thats right, we play old skool, 21points!
but then 2nd and 3rd game i got owned =.="
2nd was like....21-15
and 3r was like 21-10....
FML =.="

that is an epically AWESUM ping pong table
but im jst puzzled as 2 how you'd play on it...looks more like a racing car track than a ping pong table but still......

btw, that was one of the images in google when i typed in ping pong

Sunday, March 28, 2010

top 5 fav thingie-ma-bobies

since everyone is doing it i may as well do one =.="
5. my guitar!

although i haven't played it in a LONG LONG LONG TIME!! it is still pretty kweLL!!
and i attempt 2 play a song or 2 whenever im bored enough or get the chance. USed 2 b in a band...ish...but we neva really got anywhere, managed 2 record 1 good song, but coz my guitaring was so shit, theres really no point listenin 2 it. dunno how the bands going now tho...hopefully they've had some progress


this flower cube thingy is pretty nifty
it is a CUBE...but can be transformed into a flower!!
tis pretty awesum!!!
learnt how 2 make it off a friend.....

i think i forgot how 2 make them now tho XD

3. SHOES!!

luv the green hyperdunks. even tho they weren't the ones i wanted...i dont mind, they're still pretty coloured and BRIGHT!! but down side is you have 2 b AWESUM @ bball 2 wear those kinda shoes.....and...aha....yea....about that....

had my converses 4 about a year now!! i guess i wear them alot...wheneva i get the opportiunity...


now....i kno its fake and whatever, and it was like 350BAAAAAHHHHTT. but....tis a pretty decent hat. shuda got another one =.="
had 2 take it outta the god damn wash 2day =.=" dad was meant 2 wash it...coz i dont kno how 2 operate a washin machine, but its meant 2 b clean...but its brown now =S

i still love it tho XD

YYYYYyyyyIIIiiii 1.

now that is a PRETTY EPIC b-ball!!
tis made out of.....clay....i think.....crap...whats that stuff called...the stuff we always used 2 play rnd with in primary....mental blank =.=" sigh~
anyways!! i like it coz a friend gave it 2 me.....and everyday i look @ it and ill b like.....B-BALL TIME!!! and yea.....get the whole fuzzy feeling going on


i wil try and include a pic in each blog post coz......
coz it'd jst b the fun thing 2 do i guess....and it looks rather the bland without pics!

THIS WAS THE pic i took rite afta i finished the RUBIKS CUBE!!
and i was like...OH MY GEEE!!! i FINISHED IT!
how tank am i XD

but then....afta that, i think it took me around 50days b4 i managed 2 do it agen =.=" but hey!! i managed 2 do it XD
i hav a second cube, and tis a mahjong cube, and it is one very hardcore cube, but i finished that pretty easily XD

but confuses the CRAP outta me =.="

its late =.="

now THAT is a decent curry laksa
well, @ the time i thort it was....
but no doubt, it was pretty daymn gud!!
but....the TRUE goal is 2 EAT ASSAM LAKSA!!!

last time i ate that was like...AGES AGO
and when i ate it......SIGH~ i wish i cuda had more =(
but my stomach does this thing where if u eat 2 much you feel like SHIT and FAT and i dont like that feeling @ all
no FAIR!


Monday, March 22, 2010

and then its the holidays....

holy moley!! its gonna b the holz SOON!! HELL YES!!!
but.....but....that means closer 2 the exams =( closer 2 being an adult!! arrrr!!
no fair!!
guess half of me wants the holz 2 come rnd now, half of me wants it 2 kinda slow down.

english sac confuzzled me
not as badly as the physics sac
but it still confuzzled me quite a bit!
twas not expecting the topics @ all and i seriosuly did not prepare 4 it -.-
its ova, meh, whatever!!

yay...whoop di friggin doooo
do i get it? nope
is my summary book done? nope
am i screwed?......HELL YEA!!

man, afta watchin nellys and p.babas bball final....part of me really wants 2 play agen. sigh~
i miss it!!!
wanna play more b-ball, wish i still had friday nite b-ball
but then agen, it limits my sundays and fridays....but i aint doing anything betta anyways
man......wish i cud pick up fridays agen....sigh~

Sunday, March 21, 2010

its been a while....

gotta admit, its an awesum game
just a quick post b4 i go 2 sleep and wake up 2morro 2 a dreadful day. forecast is 23degrees with a 7am start viola in the morn, then eng sac p4 and senior strings......F me =.="
its gonna b one fun day!!
anyways, BACK 2 the topic!

it has BEEN a while since i last played some ping pong
especially with my BRO!!
i mean.....there was a period in time when the only thing we'd eva do was jst play ping pong, ping pong in the morning if we're not tired and eaten our weetbix, then ping pong afta skool and till LATE!!
now that was the lifE!!

even tho we both suck @ it (but he full on kciks my ass =.=")
its gud fun! i guess you'd call it bonding.....ewww.....very ewww!!
but hey! @ least we aint @ each other throats about 2 kill each other
tho....that has happened once in a while when he pisses me off coz hes winning or vice versa

but hey!! @ the end of the day its all fun and we both enjoy it!
i hav yet 2 play a match with him, coz atm hes owned my mum dad and aunty......i dont wanna lose my dignity....@ least not yet....

anyone kno any places where ppl can become pro ping pong ppl? (if anyone names a country or state or city OUTSIDE of a 20km radius of melb CBD.......I KICK YOUR ASS)

neways, thats all i've got so far
lol, if u read this.....
i'd say, "gud 2 kno someone does XD"

Monday, March 15, 2010


skies are blue
links on website are blue
i have a blue bowl
i think i have a blue bag
this "save now" button is blue
i have a blue rubberband
my english books have a blue label on them
my physics book is blue

daymn, a lotta things make it blue
very blue
even im blue (not physically...PFFFT!!)

very down lah
coz of the stooooopid physics! =.="
GRR!! actually not happy with it @ all
coz...i know i fked it up!
not sure if i was able to walk out of the exam thinking "i've done my BEST! HELL YES"
clearly, walked out of the exam more like this

"....0_0.....Fa-AF-Fa-Fa-Fa-FAAAAAAArrrrrr.....ken EPIC FAIL"
hopefully....jST MAYBE!! ill be able to do well on the nxt one, but...maybe....
dunno...(pessimist in me says NO WAY IN HELL)

WAAAAAH!! very down
not happy!

Monday, March 1, 2010

the "F" KEY!

i haven't even had my laptop 4 5 years and its already breaking!!
i hate it how wen i try and type it done'st work....SEE!! it jst did it agen
inbetween type and it...theres meant to be an f! oh thank god =.=" it works
and it sucks that my f key is screwed up coz then i can't swear as easily, and it makes life harder 4 me coz then i go and smash the key a jillion times b4 it comes up!! GRRR!!

life tis the usual
except...hw is a heck of alot more than it used 2 slacking
or....maybe.....the teachers are CRAZY
or....maybe.....ummm.......lost my train of thought =.="

also another thought
need 2 be gettin more sleep
think im developing insomnia, so definately not the very good
probs shud sleep earlier, but.....its not exactly easy when it takes you about 8hrs 2 get 2 sleep, and then sleep for 5mins, and then wake up ready 4 SKOOL (exxageration)
but all in all, by the time i get 2 skool im a walkin zombie and it is NAWT gud 4 me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VCE is like a form of hell on earth i guess
you're still living your life,but the decisions you make coz of VCE can't the gud ones and you end up screwin up a thousand times ova in jst the one year! (unless you get 99.95)

many outcomes start in the nxt 2 weeks and im soooooooooooOOOooo VERY SCREWED!!!
physics and chink on the same day.....SIGH~
life is just one BIG SIGH~

jia you =.="

Saturday, February 27, 2010

when i was young....

twas sittin in the car with mum dad and bro coming bak from glenny when they were all like
"remember that time GOR GOR got his head stuck in a chair!!"
"ya lah, happened more than once as well"
"ya lah! once in the library when he was 3, and agen at the fact i lost count alrdy"

so upon hearing this....i tried 2 think bak...and i think i do remmber =.="
gettin my head stuck in a chair......on definately more than one occasion.
i gues i got bored alot as a kid, and yea....sticking my head in the gap that they have between the bak part of the chair...was how i rolled!!!!

and then when i did get my head through the gap, mum totally freaks out so that freaks me out and then i try and get my head out and it gets stuck =.=" so...THANKS ALOT MAAAAAARM!!!

also another memory they brought up is whenever there was a garbage truck i'd RUN OUT side jst 2 see it pick up the rubbish and then drive off with the rubbish. and this was in aus AND in msia!

dunno why i do have that kinda fasination with garbage trucks....but maybe coz they're so god damn noisy and wake you up in the middle of the mornin =.="
or...maybe im gonna be a garbage collector when i GROW UP!! =O (azn parents WORST NIGHTMARE)

meh, will see what the future brings

Sunday, February 21, 2010

true that!!

There are many faults and sufferings caused by attachment.
After recognising the disadvantages and faults of attachment,
we will recognise that to generate real happiness, there are
better ways of thinking. There are other ways to look for
happiness, so we try to train the mind in those other ways of
thinking, and of looking for happiness. This is what one should
Out of attachment and affection, it is important to have more
affection and love than attachment. If we have more affection
and love than attachment, then we will also experience less
suffering, such as the suffering of separation. For example, if
your girlfriend leaves you and goes off with somebody else
who is more handsome, has more qualities and so forth,
instead of experiencing suffering, you will be happy!
Similarly, a mother will have more love then attachment
towards her son. When the son finds a nice and beautiful
girlfriend, the mother may feel jealous but for the most part she
will be happy for the son. The more beautiful the girlfriend, the
more happy the mother will be.
And the other way around – a father will have more love and
affection then attachment for his daughter. If the daughter finds
a handsome boyfriend, the richer and more handsome the
boyfriend, the happier the father will be for his daughter. Of
course, it is possible that he also will be a little jealous of the
If we can have more affection and love for the other person than
attachment, our relationship with that person will be better
and more stable. Many people have a relationship based
initially on attachment, and after some time they may break up.
But their attitude towards each other may have changed, and
they may now regard each other with affection and love, rather
than with attachment. So, actually, their relationship has
become much better than before, when it was based on
attachment. This is a very common experience.

^true that!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


i have this thing
where i lower my expectations or make it sooooooooooo bad in my head so that when it does happen in'll turn out betta than expected.
its like that himym EP!!!
"this potato skin is NOT as gud as i expected, in my mind, i thought in my mind that it would be the best potato skin, but really....its not that great"
ted mooseby! you're so funny! theory! its very true!
in your mind you think...awww sheet.....its gonna b HELL!!
but then...when you do hav an awesum time! you're like....hey wait a second! it wans't as bad as you thort it'd be!!

so..this all comes in 2day
when i played b-ball....
coz....i guess i felt pretty ticked off that we had 2 play the no.1 team who were defs not meant 2 b in our div =.="
but then, when the game did happen, it wasn't too bad coz we only lost by 5, and its pretty god damn gud! even tho they were kinda jst screwin rnd and not playin too seriosuly
but STILLL LAH!!! for thort i guess

18 lah!! what i will be in a years time
and....then ill b a legally an adult...

i don't really like the feeling of bdays coz its like...."dude!! you're ONE YR OLDER! you're SOOO OLD!!" and no ONE WANTs 2 b OLD!!......(well some do)...BUT NOT ME!!

i mattter how old i am, ill always b young @ heart! theres not enough time in the world 2 grow old. gotta enjoy life and jst HAVE FUN! (responsibly)

so the whole get 2getha i pulled last nite...i guess was kinda out of the ordinary 2 me
normally i jst sit rnd, look in the mirror and say: " yr closer 2 dying"
but its betta if u enjoy it with friends. no matter what, the best memories are with your friends!! (AMEN!)

pressies are awesum as well! XD but the companies the most important part
awesum shoes! THANKS GUYS/GIRLS/anyone whose inbetween!!!
also got a BEANIE!! which is pretty kool XD can't w8 4 wear it in winter! can't wear it atm coz my hair is retarded =.="
also got a HAT!! full on BLACK HAT!!
and a slice of cake!!
all in all.....presents are external, but jst glad everyone cud SHOW UP! im 17, probs need 2 get my license
and own VCE
and get a proper job
and finishVCE b4 i get a job
and travel the world
and travel the world ATFA VCE
oh shit, the list is ENDLESS!!

thats all i can think of atm
gonna get smashed 2nite in b-ball, meh!! FK IT!